8/2006 Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

feeble, barspin out

feeble, barspin out

Dan Kidd barspin feeble Cheltenham Pittville

flashes were acting up on this one, so dan did it about 10 times and the photo could still have been better.



Dan Fox Luke Peeters Matt Gooch Self Cheltenham

the Echo's story on the jam at the skatepark. important other news: i am leaving for a week in New York tomorrow morning, and will not be back until a week Saturday. i will not be able to respond to email/be on msn/able to come riding. on the plus side, should get some amazing photos.

thirty five thousand feet

thirty five thousand feet

New York

the tourist

the tourist

New York

shooting from the hip

shooting from the hip

New York

from MoMA

from MoMA

New York