9/2009 Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

The Green Mile

The Green Mile

Jason Forde The Green Mile

Published in issue 128 of Ride UK BMX Magazine. This was part of an article where each photographer had to produce an image featuring an assigned colour (mine was green).



Joy Masefield London

One up

One up

Vince Mayne double peg Horsham

I was saving this, but there's probably not much point since the new issue of Dig has a picture of Warren Daniel doing a Luc-E down this rail.

Budget Jam

Budget Jam

James Ivett Basingstoke

Bethnal grey

Bethnal grey

Timeel Lewis toboggan London

Clapham estate invasion

Clapham estate invasion


Project 5 London Jam 2009. I quite like the imagined narrative between this and the previous photo.