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Followed these Police on my bike as they moved through back streets from one part of the protest to another.




Seems that many people, like me, had come out on their lunchbreaks to have a look around and take some pictures.

On the clock

On the clock


Earl St., 9:45AM

Earl St., 9:45AM


There were rumours online that an abandoned building on this street would be used as a layover for today's protests. Much as with the rest of the city, all I've seen thus far is the Police presence.

Battle at the gallery

Battle at the gallery

Oliver Griffin

This weekend I went to an art gallery in Peckham (which is a far scarier place than the Only Fools and Horses stereotype). There was supposed to be a flatland contest in the gallery (which had been outfitted with car parking spaces and a faux-lampost). It didn't really happen in the end, but a few people were rolling about.

Boys n the woods

Boys n the woods

Will Spence