Home page Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

The shakes

The shakes

Paul Armitage Cavvy

During the last week I've moved to London properly, and used the opportunity to visit Reading this weekend for a little party action.

Sssnake crazy

Sssnake crazy

At work we've been doing a website for Together, a climate change charity. Their current campaign is to get people making draught-excluding snakes, like this one by textile designer Donna Wilson. I took a whole load of photos of said snakes; this one ended up accompanying a piece in the Metro (October 20th, p.19).



Louis Mikolay Mike Kirkby London

According to Wikipedia this guy is a revered ”street“ magician. While I don't claim to be especially ”streeet” myself, card tricks are about as ”street“ as playing Scrabble. Which made it even funnier when he fucked up most every trick he tried, and his own film crew wouldn't play back the tape to prove him ”right“. Pretty sure the full story/footage will be on Aversion soon.



Louis Mikolay x-up London

“…so he said ‘that wasn’t me’ and she said ‘I saw your shitty tracksuit you maggot‘”

“…so he said ‘that wasn’t me’ and she said ‘I saw your shitty tracksuit you maggot‘”


Welcome to winter

Welcome to winter

Harry Main flair Benfleet