Pittville Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog



Ben Jones turndown Cheltenham Pittville

i'm fuckin' fed up of taking photos at this place, especially when it's cloudy. on the other hand, it might be good when there's a monster bike jam this coming friday. you should be there.

nice shorts dickhead

nice shorts dickhead

Ben Jones table Cheltenham Pittville

is that melia on a bike i see?

broken toe lookback

broken toe lookback

Johnny Rogers lookback Cheltenham Pittville

"I think my toe is broken … well you'd better do it again before it gets too painful then." Johnny now has metal in his foot and is out of BMX for 6 weeks.



Barry Holtom Cheltenham Pittville

full length

full length

Dan Fox Cheltenham Pittville

4 out of 5 times aint bad for a plank pusher. haha. it's an fs boardslide, in case you were curious.

born in the UK

born in the UK

Johnny Rogers turndown Cheltenham Pittville