Uncategorized Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

trademark tweak

trademark tweak

Tom Higgins Cheltenham Pittville

it was such a grey, cloudy day today; these tend to look more interesting as black and whites (converted in Photoshop).

tom barrier huck

tom barrier huck

Tom Higgins tuck Cheltenham

rode some good street today, this assemblage being one of many.



Johnny Rogers 180 Cheltenham

treetapper (detail)

treetapper (detail)

Matt Gooch walltap Cheltenham

by request (detail)

by request (detail)

Tom Higgins lookback Cheltenham Pittville

when it says "detail" in the title of the image it means i've cropped it a bit for better composition. i try to avoid doing this, so having to ashamedly confess to it makes me take better photos. maybe.

tom likes this one

tom likes this one

Tom Higgins table Cheltenham Pittville