11/2006 Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

hospital ledge

hospital ledge

John Wells feeble Reading

outtake yo!

four set

four set

Self table Reading

john shutter

forbury opposites

forbury opposites

John Wells smith Reading

berlin railway platform, spring 2006

berlin railway platform, spring 2006

Self Reading

the walk

the walk


i bought myself a new scanner today so thought i'd have a go at scanning a couple of my old negatives. this one is from january this year i think, at a Sinha—Stanic fashion show (i was working for them at the time). this was taken on an old Chinon something-or-other film camera, i've made a tag for these old shots.



Scott Sharp Longhill Reading

this is another one of my old film photos, which from now on will be in the old category. i imagine this one was taken around the start of this year sometime.