7/2008 Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

fairmile 1

fairmile 1

David Paton Paul Armitage Perry Walker Reading

this is one of the outbuildings of an abandoned mental institute near Reading. we didn't make it inside the main block, and using the flash outside of this building would have been too risky. hope to return one day…

fairmile 2

fairmile 2

David Paton Paul Armitage Perry Walker Reading

and here is our intrepid crew.



Luke Peeters barspin Cheltenham

so i'm back in cheltenham, and meeting lots of street. luke here has started filming for the redesigned cheltbmx.com again.

municipal offices

municipal offices

Ben Jones tailwhip Cheltenham

saturday morning 1

saturday morning 1

Jason Dias NASS

saturday morning 2

saturday morning 2


someone didn't quite make it to their tent