12/2009 Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog



Dan Lacey barspin London

Dub/Carhartt/Project 5 London jam 2009. This was the first riding picture I took all day, and, coincidentally, the only OK one. Even if it does look physically impossible. As seen in my Q&A on Defgrip.

Beckton Alps

Beckton Alps


Beckton Alps on Wikipedia.



Dom Phillips wallride Watford

As seen in my Q&A on Defgrip.

There’ll still be mornings

There’ll still be mornings


St. Marylebone

St. Marylebone

Vince Mayne double peg London

One from the archives. In other Vince news, he got destroyed on Friday Fights.

Good things end

Good things end

Max Bailey tiregrab The Field

One from way back. Apparently this place was ploughed recently. R.I.P.