Adam Bate Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

dusty back

dusty back

Adam Bate 360 Bracknell Reading



Adam Bate 180 Reading

rock throwing by sketcher.



Adam Bate 180 wallride Reading

oracle “skatepark”

oracle “skatepark”

Adam Bate 180 Reading

wet weather sessions. i also got one with a police car in it. not sure sure which i prefer. wallpaper of both available over at flowtography.

the bigger hexagon wallride 2

the bigger hexagon wallride 2

Adam Bate wallride Reading

reshoot of this photo. better wallride, probably not a better image.

showcase banks

showcase banks

Adam Bate wallride Reading

wallride to fakie to half cab back into the bank. may have forgotten to focus. hopefully will reshoot this on digital sometime.