Pittville Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog



Kris Avery Pittville

Part of the article Post-Australia



Luke Peeters Pittville

I've picked up a cheap secondhand digital compact to tide me over until I replace my SLR. Still getting used to it, but this is one I shot at the Cheltjam over the weekend.

‘Ere, blue bike!

‘Ere, blue bike!

Scott Hamlin fufanu Pittville

CheltBMX Jam went realy well—in the process of sorting through everyone's photos. Off to NASS this weekend so probably nothing more to show 'til after that…

rolling with them gangsters

rolling with them gangsters

Luke Peeters downtable Cheltenham Pittville

for the girls of facebook

for the girls of facebook

Ben Jones Cheltenham Pittville

5 flashes

5 flashes

Ben Jones no hander Cheltenham Pittville

luke & i ganged up our lighting equipment for this one…