wallride Chris Hill-Scott’s photo blog

bird shit & broken glass

bird shit & broken glass

dom wallride Bracknell Reading

it's flash in picture day! thanks to the bracknell boys for letting us ride their warehouse.



Adam Bate 180 wallride Reading

the bigger hexagon wallride 2

the bigger hexagon wallride 2

Adam Bate wallride Reading

reshoot of this photo. better wallride, probably not a better image.

showcase banks

showcase banks

Adam Bate wallride Reading

wallride to fakie to half cab back into the bank. may have forgotten to focus. hopefully will reshoot this on digital sometime.



Self wallride Reading

sort of a hop to wallride out… therapeutic button-pushing by adam.

south bank to wall

south bank to wall

John Wells wallride London

spent the last couple of days in London, my photo game was fairly weak, but my pedalling game was definitely strong—i reckon we probably clocked about 15 miles today.